I have a longstanding interest in games with practical real-world applications. For example, this budget balancer game, where you try to put the State of Maryland’s financial house in order:

Maryland Budget GameTravel to different locations on the main map. Each location represents a policy area (like higher education, revenues, or general government) where you can choose different budget options. Click on an option to select it. Click on it again if you change your mind.

… You need to pay attention to this year’s budget balance. Making the “current year balance” a positive number is what you are required to do under the constitution.

… Each choice you make will not only affect the budget totals, it will also affect your popularity with ten different interest groups. If you make too many of these groups too unhappy, it might affect your and your party’s political future badly.

~ Maryland Budget Map Game @ University of Baltimore

Via The Washington Examiner.

I’m reminded of Budget Hero from American Public Radio, where you try to balance the Federal budget.

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