Christian Freeling: How I invented games and why not
Christian Freeling has interesting things to say about game design:

The classification I employed is arbitrary. It served me well in exploring different alleys of thought, but it may at the same time have prevented me from ‘thinking outside the box’. Fortunately it’s a rather large box, yet it leaves interesting games like Amazons or Lines of Action without a clearcut thematic classification. Here it is:

  • Chess variants
  • Elimination games
  • Territory games
  • Connection games
  • Breakthrough & Race games
  • Configuration games
  • Mancala games

The first two are ‘existential’ in that the object is to eliminate either the ‘heart’, as in chess, or ‘body & limb’ as in draughts. The other themes are ‘co-existential’ in that the object is to grab more or be faster, without necessarily cutting the other player’s throat.

There’s more where that came from, in considerable detail. Check it out:

Key concepts, or a glossary of sorts, or a toolbox

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