Linux Games For Non-Gamers
Slashdot recently posted a request for linux games that don’t require a gamer box, just a simple video card. I’ve…
This sounds interesting: a role-playing game inspired by Inuit mythology: When people ask me what my game Ganakagok is about,…
Max Skibinsky on social network gaming
“In our case market promotion is simply non existent. Our games spread by word of mouth only. If players like…
Miami Shark
What could be more fun that a game where you play a shark that eats people and dolphins and other…
Sims Reputation Mafia
How griefers use the Sims reputation system to extort in-game money from new players: It didn’t take long for a…
Wisher, Theurgist, Fatalist
Wisher, Theurgist, Fatalist is an interesting (and free!) new storytelling RPG from Jenna Moran … Fatalists are those who know…
Costikyan on Randomness
Greg Costikyan has posted an engaging essay on randomness in game design. It’s a thoughtful, extensive read; here’s a sample…
Shadow Physics
This is very, very cool — a platform game in three-dee space using shadows to represent player and platforms ……
Gamers are more aggressive to strangers
According to a recent study of gaming and aggression: Victorious gamers enjoy a surge of testosterone – but only if…
Rational Gambling?
Some interesting observations by Sabik, over at Boing Boing, about rationality and gambling: … Under some circumstances it is in…